{"version":3,"file":"static/js/07244f46e8d9aec44a38.bundle.js","mappings":"uJAYIA,E,4SCFOC,EAAc,UAOdC,EAAgC,0BAEhCC,EAAyB,mBACzBC,EAAiB,YACjBC,EAAoB,eCmBpBC,EAA8B,gCFzBrCC,EAAiC,CACjCN,EAAa,eAAgB,aAAc,kBAAmB,iBAAkB,kBAuDhFO,GAtC4B,KACH,KACE,KACrBC,EAAA,GACe,KACV,KACI,KACSC,EAAA,EAER,IACM,KACP,KACH,KACA,KACa,KACfC,EAAA,EACHC,EAAA,EACIC,EAAA,GACHC,EAAA,EACEC,EAAA,EACYC,EAAA,EACfC,EAAA,EACcC,EAAA,EACfC,EAAA,EACSC,EAAA,EACO,IACNC,EAAA,EACDC,EAAA,GACOC,EAAA,EACV,IACA,IACa,IAOO,WAChC,SAASf,EAAegB,GACpB,IAEIC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EARAC,EAAQC,MASZ,OAAazB,EAAgByB,MAAM,SAAUC,GAiPrCL,GAAgB,OAAsB,SACtCC,EAAyB,KACzBL,EAAe,KACfC,EAAa,KACbC,EAAU,KACVC,EAAkB,KAnPtBA,EAAkB,IAAMJ,EAAQW,IAAMX,EAA0C,SAAK,IACrFA,EAAsC,MAAIA,EAAsC,OAAK,GACrFA,EAA0C,QAAIA,EAA0C,SAAK,EAC7F,IAAIY,EAASZ,EAAwC,QAAK,GAC1D,GAAIY,EAA4D,iBAAG,CAC/D,IAAIC,GAAK,OAAsBD,EAA4D,kBACvFE,EAASD,EAAGE,kBAChBH,EAAkD,YAAIE,EAAUA,EAAS,KAAuBF,EAAkD,YAClJA,EAAgE,mBAAIC,EAAGG,oBAAsBJ,EAAgE,mBAEjKF,EAAiD,YAAI,IAAIO,EAAA,EACzDf,EAAa,IAAIgB,EAAA,EACjBjB,EAAe,IAAI,IACnBE,EAAU,IAAIgB,EAAA,EACdZ,EAAQ,IAAIa,EAAA,EACZV,EAAMW,KAAOd,EACb,IAAIe,KAAuB,QAAkBV,EAAO9B,KAAmF8B,EAAO9B,GACzI8B,EAA4D,kBAAMU,IACnE,QAAef,EAAMgB,OAAQ,EAAmC,IAA6D,qEAEjIb,EAAuC,QAAIV,EAC3CU,EAAsC,OAAIE,EAiNtCF,EAAME,OAAqE,sBACvEF,EAAME,OAAqE,uBAAKF,EAAsC,OAAgE,sBAAI,EAAIA,EAAsC,OAAgE,sBAAI,IAhNhTA,EAAmC,MAAI,SAAUc,QAC/B,IAAVA,IAAoBA,GAAQ,IAChC,QAAOjB,GAAO,WAAc,MAAO,iBAAkB,YACjD,QAAWA,EAAuE,2BAAK,SAAUkB,IAC7F,QAAWA,GAAU,SAAUC,GAC3BA,EAAqC,MAAEF,WAGhD,KAAMA,IAEbd,EAAqD,cAAI,SAAUc,QACjD,IAAVA,IAAoBA,GAAQ,IAChC,QAAWjB,EAAuE,2BAAK,SAAUkB,IAC7F,QAAWA,GAAU,SAAUC,GACvBA,EAAuD,cACvDA,EAAuD,gBAGvDA,EAAqC,MAAEF,UAKvDd,EAA0D,gBAAI,SAAUiB,EAAYJ,EAAQK,GA+CxF,YA9CmB,IAAfD,IAAyBA,GAAa,GAyBtCA,GAAcjB,EAAsC,OAAEmB,YAAcnB,EAAsC,OAAEmB,WAAWC,OAAS,IAChI,QAAW,0CAEf,QAAOpB,EAAMW,MAAM,WAAc,MAAO,2BAA4B,WAChE,IAAIQ,EAAa,GACjBA,EAAuC,KAAE1B,GACzC0B,EAAuC,KAAE3B,GACzC2B,EAAuC,KAAE5B,GACzC4B,EAAuC,KAAEnB,EAAiD,aAE1FH,EAAMwB,WAAWrB,EAAsC,OAAGmB,EAAYN,EAAQK,GAC9ElB,EAAwC,QAAIR,EAA6C,QACrF1B,GAAmBkC,EAAwC,UAC3DA,EAAwC,QAAEsB,SAASC,OAASzD,GArCpE,SAAkCwB,GAC9B,GAAIA,EAAS,CACT,IAAIkC,EAAa,IACZ,QAAkB9B,KACnB8B,GAAc9B,GAEduB,IACAO,GAAc,OAEdxB,EAAwC,SAAKA,EAAwC,QAAEsB,WACvFtB,EAAwC,QAAEsB,SAASE,WAAaA,GAAc,MAGlF,QAAcxB,GAAO,SAAUyB,EAAOC,IAC9B,QAASD,MACR,QAAWC,IACZD,GAAsB,MAAbA,EAAM,KACwC,KAAvD,QAAWpD,EAAgCoD,KAC3CnC,EAAQmC,GAASC,OAqB7BC,CAAyB3B,EAAuC,SAEhEA,EAAM4B,aACN5B,EAA2D,mBAC3DA,EAA2E,4BAAEA,MAE1EA,GAEXA,EAAuE,yBAAI,SAAUV,IAGjF,QAAYA,EAASU,GAAO,SAAU6B,GAElC,OAAOA,IAA8D,KAAtD,QAAWxD,EAAgCwD,OAGlE7B,EAAM4B,WAAa,WAEf,IACI,IAAI,QAAQ5B,EAAMV,QAAsC,OAAI,CAGxD,IADA,IAAIwC,EAAW9B,EAAMV,QAAsC,MAAE8B,OACpDW,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAID,EAAUC,IAAK,EAE/BC,EADWhC,EAAMV,QAAsC,MAAEyC,MAG7D/B,EAAMV,QAAsC,WAAI2C,SACzCjC,EAAMV,QAAsC,OAG3D,MAAO4C,GAECA,IAAa,QAAWA,EAAUC,WACTD,EAAUC,aAU/CnC,EAA2E,4BAAI,SAAUoC,GAErF,IAAI,YAAe,UAAe,CAC9B,IAAIC,EAAsB,WAWtB,GAHAD,EAAmE,eAAE,IAGjE,QAAWtC,EAAMa,KAA2C,WAAI,CAChE,IAAI2B,EAAexC,EAAMa,KAA2C,UAAE,MACtE,GAAI2B,EAAc,CACd,IAAIC,EAAmBD,EAAaE,OAChCD,GAAoBA,EAAmD,SAAKA,EAAmD,QAAEE,iBACjIF,EAAmD,QAAEE,gBAAgBC,YAKjFC,GAAQ,EACRC,EAA0BR,EAAoBS,YAA4C,OAAEC,wBAC3FlD,IACDA,GAAyB,QAAkBD,EAAeE,EAAkD,cAAKA,EAAkD,iBAElKuC,EAAoBS,YAAY3C,OAA2E,8BAGxG,QAA2BmC,EAAqBO,EAAyBhD,KACzE+C,GAAQ,IAGR,QAAyBN,EAAqBO,EAAyBhD,KACvE+C,GAAQ,GAIPA,IAAU,YACX,QAAeP,EAA+D,YAAEzB,KAAKE,OAAQ,EAAmC,GAAkE,wDAGrM8B,GAAUP,EAAoBS,YAAY3C,OAAqE,uBAEhH,QAAyBmC,EAAqBO,EAAyBhD,KAInFI,EAAM+C,UAAY,WACd,OAAOtD,GAEXO,EAAMgD,OAAS,SAAUC,EAASC,EAAgBC,GAC9CnD,EAAqD,cAAEiD,GAEnDrD,KACA,QAA8B,KAAMA,IACpC,QAA4B,KAAMA,IAEtCC,EAAMmD,QAAUnD,EAAMmD,OAAOC,EAASC,EAAgBC,KAE1D,QAAenD,EAAOA,EAAiD,YAAG,CC3QtD,eAWHoD,aAGIA,gBDiQjB,2BChQiBA,iBDkQjB,WCrQaA,aACCA,cAZI,iBACD,gBAEE,kBACD,oBDoRtB,QAAepD,GA2Bf,WACI,OAAOT,IA5BoC,CCzQpB6D,sBD2QvB,wBACA,8BAEJ,QAAepD,EAAOH,EAAO,CACzB7B,EACAC,EACA,0BACAC,EACA,YACAC,EACA,cACA,iBAEJ,QAAe6B,GAAO,WAClB,IAAIqD,EAAU7D,EAA6C,QAC3D,OAAO6D,EAAUA,EAAQC,KAAO,OACjC,CC1RiC,8BACE,qCD4iB9C,OAJA,EAAJ,+CACA,aAGA,EAlgBmC,KA4gBnC,WACA,WAEQ,EAAR,CACA,2BACQ,8BAEJ,IAGI,IAAR,+BACA,IACA,SASI,MAAJ,IAGI,GAAJ,EACA,IACA,sBACY,GAAZ,EAEgB,IADhB,SACA,mBACA,yBACA,eACA,8BACA,wBACA,YAEA,0BACA,aAGwB,EAAxB,KACwB,OAKhB,MAAR,KA9CA","sources":["webpack://Msdyn365.Commerce.Online/Initialization.js?b216","webpack://Msdyn365.Commerce.Online/InternalConstants.js?deb7","webpack://Msdyn365.Commerce.Online/__DynamicConstants.js?bfa4"],"sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { AnalyticsPlugin } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-analytics-js\";\r\nimport { Sender } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-channel-js\";\r\nimport { AnalyticsPluginIdentifier, BreezeChannelIdentifier, ConfigurationManager, ConnectionStringParser, ContextTagKeys, CorrelationIdHelper, CtxTagKeys, DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT, DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH, Data, DataSanitizer, DateTimeUtils, DisabledPropertyName, DistributedTracingModes, Envelope, Event, Exception, Extensions, HttpMethod, Metric, PageView, PageViewPerformance, ProcessLegacy, PropertiesPluginIdentifier, RemoteDependencyData, RequestHeaders, SampleRate, SeverityLevel, TelemetryItemCreator, Trace, UrlHelper, Util, parseConnectionString } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-common\";\r\nimport { AppInsightsCore, _throwInternal, addPageHideEventListener, addPageUnloadEventListener, arrForEach, arrIndexOf, createUniqueNamespace, doPerf, hasDocument, hasWindow, isArray, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isReactNative, isString, mergeEvtNamespace, objForEachKey, proxyAssign, proxyFunctions, removePageHideEventListener, removePageUnloadEventListener, throwError } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-core-js\";\r\nimport { AjaxPlugin as DependenciesPlugin } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js\";\r\nimport { PropertiesPlugin } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-properties-js\";\r\nimport { STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER, STR_CLEAR_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT, STR_EVT_NAMESPACE, STR_FLUSH, STR_GET_COOKIE_MGR, STR_GET_PLUGIN, STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS, STR_SET_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT, STR_SNIPPET, STR_START_TRACK_EVENT, STR_START_TRACK_PAGE, STR_STOP_TRACK_EVENT, STR_STOP_TRACK_PAGE, STR_TRACK_DEPENDENCY_DATA, STR_TRACK_EVENT, STR_TRACK_EXCEPTION, STR_TRACK_METRIC, STR_TRACK_PAGE_VIEW, STR_TRACK_TRACE } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { _DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF20, _DYN_APP_INSIGHTS, _DYN_CONFIG, _DYN_CONNECTION_STRING, _DYN_CONTEXT, _DYN_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_INTER4, _DYN_DISABLE_FLUSH_ON_BEF11, _DYN_DISABLE_FLUSH_ON_UNL12, _DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA18, _DYN_ENDPOINT_URL, _DYN_GET_TRANSMISSION_CON19, _DYN_INDEX_OF, _DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY, _DYN_LOAD_APP_INSIGHTS, _DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_QUEUE, _DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN0, _DYN_VERSION } from \"./__DynamicConstants\";\r\nvar _internalSdkSrc;\r\n// This is an exclude list of properties that should not be updated during initialization\r\n// They include a combination of private and internal property names\r\nvar _ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties = [\r\n STR_SNIPPET, \"dependencies\", \"properties\", \"_snippetVersion\", \"appInsightsNew\", \"getSKUDefaults\"\r\n];\r\n// Re-exposing the Common classes as Telemetry, the list was taken by reviewing the generated code for the build while using\r\n// the previous configuration :-\r\n// import * as Common from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-common\"\r\n// export const Telemetry = Common;\r\nvar fieldType = {\r\n Default: 0 /* FieldType.Default */,\r\n Required: 1 /* FieldType.Required */,\r\n Array: 2 /* FieldType.Array */,\r\n Hidden: 4 /* FieldType.Hidden */\r\n};\r\n/**\r\n * Telemetry type classes, e.g. PageView, Exception, etc\r\n */\r\nexport var Telemetry = {\r\n __proto__: null,\r\n PropertiesPluginIdentifier: PropertiesPluginIdentifier,\r\n BreezeChannelIdentifier: BreezeChannelIdentifier,\r\n AnalyticsPluginIdentifier: AnalyticsPluginIdentifier,\r\n Util: Util,\r\n CorrelationIdHelper: CorrelationIdHelper,\r\n UrlHelper: UrlHelper,\r\n DateTimeUtils: DateTimeUtils,\r\n ConnectionStringParser: ConnectionStringParser,\r\n FieldType: fieldType,\r\n RequestHeaders: RequestHeaders,\r\n DisabledPropertyName: DisabledPropertyName,\r\n ProcessLegacy: ProcessLegacy,\r\n SampleRate: SampleRate,\r\n HttpMethod: HttpMethod,\r\n DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT: DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT,\r\n Envelope: Envelope,\r\n Event: Event,\r\n Exception: Exception,\r\n Metric: Metric,\r\n PageView: PageView,\r\n RemoteDependencyData: RemoteDependencyData,\r\n Trace: Trace,\r\n PageViewPerformance: PageViewPerformance,\r\n Data: Data,\r\n SeverityLevel: SeverityLevel,\r\n ConfigurationManager: ConfigurationManager,\r\n ContextTagKeys: ContextTagKeys,\r\n DataSanitizer: DataSanitizer,\r\n TelemetryItemCreator: TelemetryItemCreator,\r\n CtxTagKeys: CtxTagKeys,\r\n Extensions: Extensions,\r\n DistributedTracingModes: DistributedTracingModes\r\n};\r\n/**\r\n * Application Insights API\r\n * @class Initialization\r\n * @implements {IApplicationInsights}\r\n */\r\nvar Initialization = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function Initialization(snippet) {\r\n var _this = this;\r\n // NOTE!: DON'T set default values here, instead set them in the _initDefaults() function as it is also called during teardown()\r\n var dependencies;\r\n var properties;\r\n var _sender;\r\n var _snippetVersion;\r\n var _evtNamespace;\r\n var _houseKeepingNamespace;\r\n var _core;\r\n dynamicProto(Initialization, this, function (_self) {\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n // initialize the queue and config in case they are undefined\r\n _snippetVersion = \"\" + (snippet.sv || snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || \"\");\r\n snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] = snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] || [];\r\n snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] = snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || 2.0; // Default to new version\r\n var config = snippet[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */] || {};\r\n if (config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */]) {\r\n var cs = parseConnectionString(config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */]);\r\n var ingest = cs.ingestionendpoint;\r\n config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */] = ingest ? (ingest + DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH) : config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */]; // only add /v2/track when from connectionstring\r\n config[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:%2einstrumentationKey */] = cs.instrumentationkey || config[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:%2einstrumentationKey */];\r\n }\r\n _self[_DYN_APP_INSIGHTS /* @min:%2eappInsights */] = new AnalyticsPlugin();\r\n properties = new PropertiesPlugin();\r\n dependencies = new DependenciesPlugin();\r\n _sender = new Sender();\r\n _core = new AppInsightsCore();\r\n _self.core = _core;\r\n var isErrMessageDisabled = isNullOrUndefined(config[_DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA18 /* @min:%2edisableIkeyDeprecationMessage */]) ? true : config[_DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA18 /* @min:%2edisableIkeyDeprecationMessage */];\r\n if (!config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */] && !isErrMessageDisabled) {\r\n _throwInternal(_core.logger, 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 106 /* _eInternalMessageId.InstrumentationKeyDeprecation */, \"Instrumentation key support will end soon, see aka.ms/IkeyMigrate\");\r\n }\r\n _self[STR_SNIPPET /* @min:%2esnippet */] = snippet;\r\n _self[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */] = config;\r\n _getSKUDefaults();\r\n _self[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */] = function (async) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n doPerf(_core, function () { return \"AISKU.flush\"; }, function () {\r\n arrForEach(_core[_DYN_GET_TRANSMISSION_CON19 /* @min:%2egetTransmissionControls */](), function (channels) {\r\n arrForEach(channels, function (channel) {\r\n channel[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */](async);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }, null, async);\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */] = function (async) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n arrForEach(_core[_DYN_GET_TRANSMISSION_CON19 /* @min:%2egetTransmissionControls */](), function (channels) {\r\n arrForEach(channels, function (channel) {\r\n if (channel[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */]) {\r\n channel[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */]();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n channel[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */](async);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_LOAD_APP_INSIGHTS /* @min:%2eloadAppInsights */] = function (legacyMode, logger, notificationManager) {\r\n if (legacyMode === void 0) { legacyMode = false; }\r\n function _updateSnippetProperties(snippet) {\r\n if (snippet) {\r\n var snippetVer = \"\";\r\n if (!isNullOrUndefined(_snippetVersion)) {\r\n snippetVer += _snippetVersion;\r\n }\r\n if (legacyMode) {\r\n snippetVer += \".lg\";\r\n }\r\n if (_self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal) {\r\n _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.snippetVer = snippetVer || \"-\";\r\n }\r\n // apply updated properties to the global instance (snippet)\r\n objForEachKey(_self, function (field, value) {\r\n if (isString(field) &&\r\n !isFunction(value) &&\r\n field && field[0] !== \"_\" && // Don't copy \"internal\" values\r\n arrIndexOf(_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties, field) === -1) {\r\n snippet[field] = value;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // dont allow additional channels/other extensions for legacy mode; legacy mode is only to allow users to switch with no code changes!\r\n if (legacyMode && _self[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */].extensions && _self[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */].extensions.length > 0) {\r\n throwError(\"Extensions not allowed in legacy mode\");\r\n }\r\n doPerf(_self.core, function () { return \"AISKU.loadAppInsights\"; }, function () {\r\n var extensions = [];\r\n extensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](_sender);\r\n extensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](properties);\r\n extensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](dependencies);\r\n extensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](_self[_DYN_APP_INSIGHTS /* @min:%2eappInsights */]);\r\n // initialize core\r\n _core.initialize(_self[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */], extensions, logger, notificationManager);\r\n _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] = properties[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */];\r\n if (_internalSdkSrc && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]) {\r\n _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.sdkSrc = _internalSdkSrc;\r\n }\r\n _updateSnippetProperties(_self[STR_SNIPPET /* @min:%2esnippet */]);\r\n // Empty queue of all api calls logged prior to sdk download\r\n _self.emptyQueue();\r\n _self[STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS /* @min:%2epollInternalLogs */]();\r\n _self[_DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF20 /* @min:%2eaddHousekeepingBeforeUnload */](_self);\r\n });\r\n return _self;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN0 /* @min:%2eupdateSnippetDefinitions */] = function (snippet) {\r\n // apply full appInsights to the global instance\r\n // Note: This must be called before loadAppInsights is called\r\n proxyAssign(snippet, _self, function (name) {\r\n // Not excluding names prefixed with \"_\" as we need to proxy some functions like _onError\r\n return name && arrIndexOf(_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties, name) === -1;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n _self.emptyQueue = function () {\r\n // call functions that were queued before the main script was loaded\r\n try {\r\n if (isArray(_self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */])) {\r\n // note: do not check length in the for-loop conditional in case something goes wrong and the stub methods are not overridden.\r\n var length_1 = _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */].length;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < length_1; i++) {\r\n var call = _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */][i];\r\n call();\r\n }\r\n _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] = undefined;\r\n delete _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (exception) {\r\n var properties_1 = {};\r\n if (exception && isFunction(exception.toString)) {\r\n properties_1.exception = exception.toString();\r\n }\r\n // need from core\r\n // Microsoft.ApplicationInsights._InternalLogging.throwInternal(\r\n // eLoggingSeverity.WARNING,\r\n // _eInternalMessageId.FailedToSendQueuedTelemetry,\r\n // \"Failed to send queued telemetry\",\r\n // properties);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF20 /* @min:%2eaddHousekeepingBeforeUnload */] = function (appInsightsInstance) {\r\n // Add callback to push events when the user navigates away\r\n if (hasWindow() || hasDocument()) {\r\n var performHousekeeping = function () {\r\n // Adds the ability to flush all data before the page unloads.\r\n // Note: This approach tries to push a sync request with all the pending events onbeforeunload.\r\n // Firefox does not respect this.Other browsers DO push out the call with < 100% hit rate.\r\n // Telemetry here will help us analyze how effective this approach is.\r\n // Another approach would be to make this call sync with a acceptable timeout to reduce the\r\n // impact on user experience.\r\n // appInsightsInstance.context._sender.triggerSend();\r\n appInsightsInstance[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */](false);\r\n // Back up the current session to local storage\r\n // This lets us close expired sessions after the cookies themselves expire\r\n if (isFunction(_this.core[STR_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */])) {\r\n var loadedPlugin = _this.core[STR_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */](PropertiesPluginIdentifier);\r\n if (loadedPlugin) {\r\n var propertiesPlugin = loadedPlugin.plugin;\r\n if (propertiesPlugin && propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] && propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]._sessionManager) {\r\n propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]._sessionManager.backup();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n var added = false;\r\n var excludePageUnloadEvents = appInsightsInstance.appInsights[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */].disablePageUnloadEvents;\r\n if (!_houseKeepingNamespace) {\r\n _houseKeepingNamespace = mergeEvtNamespace(_evtNamespace, _core[STR_EVT_NAMESPACE /* @min:%2eevtNamespace */] && _core[STR_EVT_NAMESPACE /* @min:%2eevtNamespace */]());\r\n }\r\n if (!appInsightsInstance.appInsights.config[_DYN_DISABLE_FLUSH_ON_BEF11 /* @min:%2edisableFlushOnBeforeUnload */]) {\r\n // Hook the unload event for the document, window and body to ensure that the client events are flushed to the server\r\n // As just hooking the window does not always fire (on chrome) for page navigation's.\r\n if (addPageUnloadEventListener(performHousekeeping, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace)) {\r\n added = true;\r\n }\r\n // We also need to hook the pagehide and visibilitychange events as not all versions of Safari support load/unload events.\r\n if (addPageHideEventListener(performHousekeeping, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace)) {\r\n added = true;\r\n }\r\n // A reactNative app may not have a window and therefore the beforeunload/pagehide events -- so don't\r\n // log the failure in this case\r\n if (!added && !isReactNative()) {\r\n _throwInternal(appInsightsInstance[_DYN_APP_INSIGHTS /* @min:%2eappInsights */].core.logger, 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 19 /* _eInternalMessageId.FailedToAddHandlerForOnBeforeUnload */, \"Could not add handler for beforeunload and pagehide\");\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!added && !appInsightsInstance.appInsights.config[_DYN_DISABLE_FLUSH_ON_UNL12 /* @min:%2edisableFlushOnUnload */]) {\r\n // If we didn't add the normal set then attempt to add the pagehide and visibilitychange only\r\n addPageHideEventListener(performHousekeeping, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self.getSender = function () {\r\n return _sender;\r\n };\r\n _self.unload = function (isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout) {\r\n _self[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */](isAsync);\r\n // Remove any registered event handlers\r\n if (_houseKeepingNamespace) {\r\n removePageUnloadEventListener(null, _houseKeepingNamespace);\r\n removePageHideEventListener(null, _houseKeepingNamespace);\r\n }\r\n _core.unload && _core.unload(isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout);\r\n };\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, _self[_DYN_APP_INSIGHTS /* @min:%2eappInsights */], [\r\n STR_GET_COOKIE_MGR,\r\n STR_TRACK_EVENT,\r\n STR_TRACK_PAGE_VIEW,\r\n \"trackPageViewPerformance\",\r\n STR_TRACK_EXCEPTION,\r\n \"_onerror\",\r\n STR_TRACK_TRACE,\r\n STR_TRACK_METRIC,\r\n STR_START_TRACK_PAGE,\r\n STR_STOP_TRACK_PAGE,\r\n STR_START_TRACK_EVENT,\r\n STR_STOP_TRACK_EVENT\r\n ]);\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, _getCurrentDependencies, [\r\n STR_TRACK_DEPENDENCY_DATA,\r\n \"addDependencyListener\",\r\n \"addDependencyInitializer\"\r\n ]);\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, _core, [\r\n STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER,\r\n STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS,\r\n \"stopPollingInternalLogs\",\r\n STR_GET_PLUGIN,\r\n \"addPlugin\",\r\n STR_EVT_NAMESPACE,\r\n \"addUnloadCb\",\r\n \"getTraceCtx\"\r\n ]);\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, function () {\r\n var context = properties[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */];\r\n return context ? context.user : null;\r\n }, [\r\n STR_SET_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT,\r\n STR_CLEAR_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT\r\n ]);\r\n function _getSKUDefaults() {\r\n _self.config[_DYN_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_INTER4 /* @min:%2ediagnosticLogInterval */] =\r\n _self.config[_DYN_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_INTER4 /* @min:%2ediagnosticLogInterval */] && _self[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */][_DYN_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_INTER4 /* @min:%2ediagnosticLogInterval */] > 0 ? _self[_DYN_CONFIG /* @min:%2econfig */][_DYN_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_INTER4 /* @min:%2ediagnosticLogInterval */] : 10000;\r\n }\r\n // Using a function to support the dynamic adding / removal of plugins, so this will always return the current value\r\n function _getCurrentDependencies() {\r\n return dependencies;\r\n }\r\n function _initDefaults() {\r\n _evtNamespace = createUniqueNamespace(\"AISKU\");\r\n _houseKeepingNamespace = null;\r\n dependencies = null;\r\n properties = null;\r\n _sender = null;\r\n _snippetVersion = null;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // Analytics Plugin\r\n /**\r\n * Get the current cookie manager for this instance\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.getCookieMgr = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a user action or other occurrence.\r\n * @param {IEventTelemetry} event\r\n * @param {ICustomProperties} [customProperties]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackEvent = function (event, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Logs that a page, or similar container was displayed to the user.\r\n * @param {IPageViewTelemetry} pageView\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackPageView = function (pageView) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a bag of performance information via the customProperties field.\r\n * @param {IPageViewPerformanceTelemetry} pageViewPerformance\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackPageViewPerformance = function (pageViewPerformance) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log an exception that you have caught.\r\n * @param {IExceptionTelemetry} exception\r\n * @param {{[key: string]: any}} customProperties Additional data used to filter pages and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackException = function (exception, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Manually send uncaught exception telemetry. This method is automatically triggered\r\n * on a window.onerror event.\r\n * @param {IAutoExceptionTelemetry} exception\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype._onerror = function (exception) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a diagnostic scenario such entering or leaving a function.\r\n * @param {ITraceTelemetry} trace\r\n * @param {ICustomProperties} [customProperties]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackTrace = function (trace, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a numeric value that is not associated with a specific event. Typically used\r\n * to send regular reports of performance indicators.\r\n *\r\n * To send a single measurement, just use the `name` and `average` fields\r\n * of {@link IMetricTelemetry}.\r\n *\r\n * If you take measurements frequently, you can reduce the telemetry bandwidth by\r\n * aggregating multiple measurements and sending the resulting average and modifying\r\n * the `sampleCount` field of {@link IMetricTelemetry}.\r\n * @param {IMetricTelemetry} metric input object argument. Only `name` and `average` are mandatory.\r\n * @param {ICustomProperties} [customProperties]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackMetric = function (metric, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Starts the timer for tracking a page load time. Use this instead of `trackPageView` if you want to control when the page view timer starts and stops,\r\n * but don't want to calculate the duration yourself. This method doesn't send any telemetry. Call `stopTrackPage` to log the end of the page view\r\n * and send the event.\r\n * @param name A string that idenfities this item, unique within this HTML document. Defaults to the document title.\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.startTrackPage = function (name) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Stops the timer that was started by calling `startTrackPage` and sends the pageview load time telemetry with the specified properties and measurements.\r\n * The duration of the page view will be the time between calling `startTrackPage` and `stopTrackPage`.\r\n * @param name The string you used as the name in startTrackPage. Defaults to the document title.\r\n * @param url String - a relative or absolute URL that identifies the page or other item. Defaults to the window location.\r\n * @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter pages and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n * @param measurements map[string, number] - metrics associated with this page, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.stopTrackPage = function (name, url, customProperties, measurements) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.startTrackEvent = function (name) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log an extended event that you started timing with `startTrackEvent`.\r\n * @param name The string you used to identify this event in `startTrackEvent`.\r\n * @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter events and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n * @param measurements map[string, number] - metrics associated with this event, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.stopTrackEvent = function (name, properties, measurements) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.addTelemetryInitializer = function (telemetryInitializer) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n // Properties Plugin\r\n /**\r\n * Set the authenticated user id and the account id. Used for identifying a specific signed-in user. Parameters must not contain whitespace or ,;=|\r\n *\r\n * The method will only set the `authenticatedUserId` and `accountId` in the current page view. To set them for the whole session, you should set `storeInCookie = true`\r\n * @param {string} authenticatedUserId\r\n * @param {string} [accountId]\r\n * @param {boolean} [storeInCookie=false]\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.setAuthenticatedUserContext = function (authenticatedUserId, accountId, storeInCookie) {\r\n if (storeInCookie === void 0) { storeInCookie = false; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Clears the authenticated user id and account id. The associated cookie is cleared, if present.\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.clearAuthenticatedUserContext = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n // Dependencies Plugin\r\n /**\r\n * Log a dependency call (e.g. ajax)\r\n * @param {IDependencyTelemetry} dependency\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.trackDependencyData = function (dependency) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n // Misc\r\n /**\r\n * Manually trigger an immediate send of all telemetry still in the buffer.\r\n * @param {boolean} [async=true]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.flush = function (async) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Manually trigger an immediate send of all telemetry still in the buffer using beacon Sender.\r\n * Fall back to xhr sender if beacon is not supported.\r\n * @param {boolean} [async=true]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.onunloadFlush = function (async) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Initialize this instance of ApplicationInsights\r\n * @returns {IApplicationInsights}\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.loadAppInsights = function (legacyMode, logger, notificationManager) {\r\n if (legacyMode === void 0) { legacyMode = false; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Overwrite the lazy loaded fields of global window snippet to contain the\r\n * actual initialized API methods\r\n * @param {Snippet} snippet\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.updateSnippetDefinitions = function (snippet) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Call any functions that were queued before the main script was loaded\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.emptyQueue = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.pollInternalLogs = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.stopPollingInternalLogs = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.addHousekeepingBeforeUnload = function (appInsightsInstance) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.getSender = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Unload and Tear down the SDK and any initialized plugins, after calling this the SDK will be considered\r\n * to be un-initialized and non-operational, re-initializing the SDK should only be attempted if the previous\r\n * unload call return `true` stating that all plugins reported that they also unloaded, the recommended\r\n * approach is to create a new instance and initialize that instance.\r\n * This is due to possible unexpected side effects caused by plugins not supporting unload / teardown, unable\r\n * to successfully remove any global references or they may just be completing the unload process asynchronously.\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.unload = function (isAsync, unloadComplete) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.getPlugin = function (pluginIdentifier) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n Initialization.prototype.addPlugin = function (plugin, replaceExisting, doAsync, addCb) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Returns the unique event namespace that should be used\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.evtNamespace = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an unload handler that will be called when the SDK is being unloaded\r\n * @param handler - the handler\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.addUnloadCb = function (handler) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an ajax listener which is called just prior to the request being sent and before the correlation headers are added, to allow you\r\n * to access the headers and modify the values used to generate the distributed tracing correlation headers. (added in v2.8.4)\r\n * @param dependencyListener - The Telemetry Initializer function\r\n * @returns - A IDependencyListenerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.addDependencyListener = function (dependencyListener) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an dependency telemetry initializer callback function to allow populating additional properties or drop the request.\r\n * It is called after the dependency call has completed and any available performance details are available. A dependency\r\n * initializer is similar to the TelemetryInitializer function but it allows you to block the reporting of the dependency\r\n * request so that it doesn't count against the `maxAjaxCallsPerView`.\r\n * @param dependencyInitializer - The Dependency Telemetry Initializer function\r\n * @returns - A IDependencyInitializerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.addDependencyInitializer = function (dependencyInitializer) {\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Gets the current distributed trace context for this instance if available\r\n */\r\n Initialization.prototype.getTraceCtx = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n return Initialization;\r\n}());\r\nexport { Initialization };\r\n// tslint:disable-next-line\r\n(function () {\r\n var sdkSrc = null;\r\n var isModule = false;\r\n var cdns = [\r\n \"://js.monitor.azure.com/\",\r\n \"://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/\"\r\n ];\r\n try {\r\n // Try and determine whether the sdk is being loaded from the CDN\r\n // currentScript is only valid during initial processing\r\n var scrpt = (document || {}).currentScript;\r\n if (scrpt) {\r\n sdkSrc = scrpt.src;\r\n // } else {\r\n // // We need to update to at least typescript 2.9 for this to work :-(\r\n // // Leaving as a stub for now so after we upgrade this breadcrumb is available\r\n // let meta = import.meta;\r\n // sdkSrc = (meta || {}).url;\r\n // isModule = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\r\n }\r\n if (sdkSrc) {\r\n try {\r\n var url = sdkSrc.toLowerCase();\r\n if (url) {\r\n var src = \"\";\r\n for (var idx = 0; idx < cdns.length; idx++) {\r\n if (url[_DYN_INDEX_OF /* @min:%2eindexOf */](cdns[idx]) !== -1) {\r\n src = \"cdn\" + (idx + 1);\r\n if (url[_DYN_INDEX_OF /* @min:%2eindexOf */](\"/scripts/\") === -1) {\r\n if (url[_DYN_INDEX_OF /* @min:%2eindexOf */](\"/next/\") !== -1) {\r\n src += \"-next\";\r\n }\r\n else if (url[_DYN_INDEX_OF /* @min:%2eindexOf */](\"/beta/\") !== -1) {\r\n src += \"-beta\";\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _internalSdkSrc = src + (isModule ? \".mod\" : \"\");\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\r\n }\r\n }\r\n})();\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=Initialization.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting ES3 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change!!!\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n// Generally you should only put values that are used more than 2 times and then only if not already exposed as a constant (such as SdkCoreNames)\r\n// as when using \"short\" named values from here they will be will be minified smaller than the SdkCoreNames[eSdkCoreNames.xxxx] value.\r\nvar _AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT = \"AuthenticatedUserContext\";\r\nvar _TRACK = \"track\";\r\nexport var STR_EMPTY = \"\";\r\nexport var STR_SNIPPET = \"snippet\";\r\nexport var STR_GET_COOKIE_MGR = \"getCookieMgr\";\r\nexport var STR_START_TRACK_PAGE = \"startTrackPage\";\r\nexport var STR_STOP_TRACK_PAGE = \"stopTrackPage\";\r\nexport var STR_FLUSH = \"flush\";\r\nexport var STR_START_TRACK_EVENT = \"startTrackEvent\";\r\nexport var STR_STOP_TRACK_EVENT = \"stopTrackEvent\";\r\nexport var STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER = \"addTelemetryInitializer\";\r\nexport var STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZERS = STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER + \"s\";\r\nexport var STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS = \"pollInternalLogs\";\r\nexport var STR_GET_PLUGIN = \"getPlugin\";\r\nexport var STR_EVT_NAMESPACE = \"evtNamespace\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_EVENT = _TRACK + \"Event\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_TRACE = _TRACK + \"Trace\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_METRIC = _TRACK + \"Metric\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_PAGE_VIEW = _TRACK + \"PageView\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_EXCEPTION = _TRACK + \"Exception\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_DEPENDENCY_DATA = _TRACK + \"DependencyData\";\r\nexport var STR_SET_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT = \"set\" + _AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT;\r\nexport var STR_CLEAR_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT = \"clear\" + _AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT;\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=InternalConstants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// @skip-file-minify\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// AUTO GENERATED FILE: This file is Auto Generated during build.\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting ES3 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change!!!\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\nexport var _DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN0 = \"updateSnippetDefinitions\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_LOAD_APP_INSIGHTS = \"loadAppInsights\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_ENDPOINT_URL = \"endpointUrl\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_MAX_BATCH_SIZE_IN_BY1 = \"maxBatchSizeInBytes\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_MAX_BATCH_INTERVAL = \"maxBatchInterval\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_TR2 = \"disableExceptionTracking\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_TELEMETRY = \"disableTelemetry\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_EMIT_LINE_DELIMITED_3 = \"emitLineDelimitedJson\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_INTER4 = \"diagnosticLogInterval\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_AUTO_TRACK_PAGE_VISI5 = \"autoTrackPageVisitTime\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_SAMPLING_PERCENTAGE = \"samplingPercentage\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_AJAX_TRACKIN6 = \"disableAjaxTracking\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_MAX_AJAX_CALLS_PER_V7 = \"maxAjaxCallsPerView\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_BEACON_API_DISABL8 = \"isBeaconApiDisabled\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_CORRELATION_9 = \"disableCorrelationHeaders\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_CORRELATION_HEADER_E10 = \"correlationHeaderExcludedDomains\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_FLUSH_ON_BEF11 = \"disableFlushOnBeforeUnload\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_FLUSH_ON_UNL12 = \"disableFlushOnUnload\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_ENABLE_SESSION_STORA13 = \"enableSessionStorageBuffer\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_COOKIE_USE_DISABL14 = \"isCookieUseDisabled\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_STORAGE_USE_DISAB15 = \"isStorageUseDisabled\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_BROWSER_LINK_TRAC16 = \"isBrowserLinkTrackingEnabled\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_ENABLE_CORS_CORRELAT17 = \"enableCorsCorrelation\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_CONFIG = \"config\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_CONTEXT = \"context\"; // Count: 8\r\nexport var _DYN_PUSH = \"push\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_VERSION = \"version\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_QUEUE = \"queue\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_CONNECTION_STRING = \"connectionString\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY = \"instrumentationKey\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_APP_INSIGHTS = \"appInsights\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA18 = \"disableIkeyDeprecationMessage\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_TRANSMISSION_CON19 = \"getTransmissionControls\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH = \"onunloadFlush\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF20 = \"addHousekeepingBeforeUnload\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_INDEX_OF = \"indexOf\"; // Count: 4\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=__DynamicConstants.js.map"],"names":["_internalSdkSrc","STR_SNIPPET","STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER","STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS","STR_GET_PLUGIN","STR_EVT_NAMESPACE","_DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA18","_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties","Initialization","Util","ConnectionStringParser","Envelope","Event","Exception","Metric","PageView","RemoteDependencyData","Trace","PageViewPerformance","Data","SeverityLevel","ContextTagKeys","DataSanitizer","TelemetryItemCreator","snippet","dependencies","properties","_sender","_snippetVersion","_evtNamespace","_houseKeepingNamespace","_core","_this","this","_self","sv","config","cs","ingest","ingestionendpoint","instrumentationkey","AnalyticsPlugin","PropertiesPlugin","Sender","AppInsightsCore","core","isErrMessageDisabled","logger","async","channels","channel","legacyMode","notificationManager","extensions","length","initialize","internal","sdkSrc","snippetVer","field","value","_updateSnippetProperties","emptyQueue","name","length_1","i","call","undefined","exception","toString","appInsightsInstance","performHousekeeping","loadedPlugin","propertiesPlugin","plugin","_sessionManager","backup","added","excludePageUnloadEvents","appInsights","disablePageUnloadEvents","getSender","unload","isAsync","unloadComplete","cbTimeout","_TRACK","context","user"],"sourceRoot":""}